Playing with your dog's food… good idea or not? | Paws Abilities Mon, 31 Mar 2014 11:00:08 GMT
Guarding is a normal, natural behavior in most dogs, and if they're not taught to share while they're young they may become aggressive over resources like food, toys, or bones when they hit adulthood. It's easier to prevent guarding than to treat it. But messing about in your dog's dish while he's eating is not the .... Follow Paws Abilities Dog Training's blog via Email. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Join 2,482 ...
Happy Tail: Harry Truman Passes Dog Training Boot Camp Wed, 26 Mar 2014 18:42:52 GMT
He does well on and off leash, he passed a dog training boot camp we took him to with flying colors, he's great with people and other dogs. We couldn't have been luckier to have found him. We have more pictures of him in ...
WonderWoof Is An App And Device That Tracks A Dog's Training ... Thu, 13 Feb 2014 16:26:03 GMT
WonderWoof is a new iOS app – joining the myriad of other such apps – aimed at dog-owners. This one helps dog owners track, train and 'socialize' their dog. They stay connected to the pooch via an on-collar 'bow-tie' ...
Dog Training 101: How to Train ANY DOG the Basics This is a MUST for anyone new to dog training, or anyone who has reached a plateau. Dog training should not be about dom...
Train Your Dog - 6 Important Dog Training Tips For Obedience Training (free dog training guide link... it will be sent to your email, but its good) - Hey everybody! If you want to learn how to train your do...
Kids help train future service dogs - Fairbanks Daily News-Miner Mon, 31 Mar 2014 08:25:48 GMT
Kids help train future service dogsFairbanks Daily News-MinerFAIRBANKS — Simon Atkinson led his dog, Charlie, around the room at Pawsitive Dog Training in Fairbanks on Sunday afternoon. Charlie, a 7-month-old puppy, followed his owner around the cent ...
Stock dogs: Trust and a partnership is the key in training canines to work ... - Montana Standard Sun, 30 Mar 2014 06:01:45 GMT
Stock dogs: Trust and a partnership is the key in training canines to work ...Montana Standard“Most dogs want to please and it's up to us to show them what we want,” Edsall said during a recent stock dog training workshop in Deer Lodge. She said peop ... 03/31/2014 6:28
Training Ideas for Your Pet Dog
Training Ideas for Your Pet Dog By Oana Coroian When you buy a puppy your entire world is about to change. A pet is a member of the family, so imagine you just had a kid. Your schedule, your spare time, everything will have to be renegotiated in order to i...
Dogs and All about Them by: Robert publisher: Aeterna, published: 2011-02-14 ASIN: 1444407147 EAN: 9781444407143 price: $14.82 (new) Ever wanted to know anything at all about dogs? This book covers the general history of dogs as well as very specific information on over 45 different breeds. If there was ever a book you needed on dogs, this is it.
Puppy training Mouthing and biting its a systemic problem!1.
Puppy Training Advice
It’s time for some enjoyment and fun. You and your puppy will have to learn the basic commands to become a team. For the puppy to turn into the dog you want him to become, he will have to be molded. An important step to bring peace into your house is to begin training your puppy.
Training with the Reward System The most positive method you will use during the puppy training is the reward method. You will need to find a treat that your puppy will go crazy over. One treat that has worked well for many top trainers is little cut up pieces of hot dogs.
A lot of praise and love is another reward that should be freely given. In order for it to stay fun for you and your puppy, stay upbeat and positive.
The Training
The basic heel, sit and down commands will be taught to your puppy. To keep control of your puppy, these commands will be very important. When you have a well trained puppy, socializing him to different situations will become much easier.
A puppy's attention span is short so you will need to keep the sessions short in the beginning, 10 to 15 minutes. You will gradually extend the training sessions as your puppy continues to improve.
Using The Leash While holding the treat in front of your puppy's nose with your left hand, and the leash in your right hand, leash training begins. Using your happy voice, say the puppy's name, then say heel. Become a human pez-dispencer, dishing out the treats and encouragement to keep the puppy walking beside you. Gently tug the leash if the puppy stops but you should still be holding the treat in front of him. Eventually the leash and collar will not bother the puppy.
Teaching The Sit The best way to get a puppy to sit is to hold the treat in front of his nose and then gently lift it over his head. Every time you practice this, use the word sit. Every once in a while, if you're watching TV or reading a book, go ahead and take one or two minutes to practice the sit.
The Down To begin teaching the puppy the down, he should first be sitting, then while holding the treat by his nose, bring your hand all the way down then forward. Say down every time you start to lower the food.To train your puppy, you will need to stay consistent. Don’t worry if it seems like it is taking a little longer for your pup to get the hang of it, he will. When your puppy is doing these things with the verbal commands and not treats, it will be time to learn more. Results will show up and it won’t seem like it took that long. A happy home equals a well trained puppy.
By: Gerald Grafton
Article Directory: is the place to go for puppy and dog training tips and ideas as well as the place to go for some of your dog behavior problems. Come and check out
Karen Pryor, Getting Started: Clicker Training for Dogs Kit
publisher: KPCT
EAN: 0807014001012
sales rank: 4056
price: $16.47 (new)
Kit for clicker training for dogs
How to start clicker training your dog- clicker dog training tricks
Clicker Dog Training
thought behind clicker training is definitely straight forward. It is
about employing reward or treats as a conditional re-enforcer for the
animal involved, in this situation dogs. It truly is not a punishment
based training method. In other words if the dog does not carry out the
activity effectively it doesn't get a treat.
This training method is
successfully applied on other creatures which includes ponies, cats and
believe it or not dolphins and whales.
The concept just isn't to make use of violence in any kind against the dog. When you are trying to train the dog to complete specific tasks and if it does not carry out properly, reprimanding it'll only generate negative results. This is particularly accurate inside the extended run. Any sort of violence will only make the animal extra aggressive as time goes by. The outcome might be a dog that could become challenging to control.
The training itself involves a device known as a "clicker" which is developed to produce a clicking sound. The thought would be to make a clicking sound whenever the dog does the task correctly. When the dog hears the sound he will associate the click with doing what he is told. Eventually dogs will come to understand that they are performing what's wanted.
To start this type of training there are 2 points needed, the treat along with the clicker. The dog wants to be accustomed to the truth that when it hears the click, it will be receiving a treat. Some dog breeds, especially the extremely intelligent ones, will have a tendency to go through a whole routine before it does the right job. This really is why training much more intelligent dogs is additional difficult. As soon as they hear the click they know they'll get a treat. What makes this system so successful is that dogs is not going to have any resentment, even if the training gets far more tricky. For dogs, no matter what type it is, it truly is ultimately in regards to the treat. "Do what I'm asked and get a reward"!
The following are some practical suggestions to follow when undertaking the clicker dog training process:
. Just about every time the clicker is applied give a treat. Should you usually do not give a treat, it is going to defeat the purpose of training as well as the dog can become discouraged
. Always click the clicker only once and normally follow it with a treat
. Never use the clicker around the dog, in case you are not making use of for training purposes. Testing the clicker need to normally be done out of earshot of the dog.
. The top time to train a dog with a clicker is prior to meal time. Following all, a hungry dog will likely be a lot more focused and receptive of treats.
. Speak as small as feasible throughout clicker training. Remember the idea is for the dog to identify the correct activity using the clicking sound, not chit chat.
By: Jake Mills
Article Directory:
Training and encountering new details together with your canine is what can make them these fantastic companions. But some occasions mans very best close friend can produce habits troubles so I'm right here to help you you with many excellent sources and facts on the way you can improve your dogs conduct so it really is extra acceptable and significantly less stressful on you when coping with him. Look into my website for much more information on Housebreaking A Puppy to find out far more.
Imagine Life with a Well-Behaved Dog: A 3-Step Positive Dog-Training Program
by: Julie A. Bjelland
publisher: St. Martin's Griffin, published: 2010-03-30
ASIN: 0312598971
EAN: 9780312598976
sales rank: 11997
price: $8.99 (new), $8.98 (used)
The Importance Of Good Puppy Training Lessons
Having a puppy can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, provide social support, and increase our daily exercise levels. Since our furry friends are doing so much for us, it is important that we take the time and effort to properly raise and train them.
Puppy training lessons are fun and rewarding, albeit challenging. Learning begins at birth for puppies and research has shown that puppies who are trained early in life demonstrate better adult behavior. It is best to train as early as possible or at least by 10 weeks.
Potty training is usually where people start, and for obvious reasons. One of the keys to remember in all aspects of behavioral training is positive reinforcement. You want to encourage your puppy to behave well for the benefit of it.
Violent or aggressive methods and punishment-based methods will lead to a host of social and behavioral issues. Your puppy will make you very happy so try to return the favor and train them by rewarding the good, not punishing the bad. Develop a regular feeding schedule and learn about how long it takes your puppy after eating to need to go outside.
Watch your puppy's behavior closely and see what they do right before they go to the bathroom. They will usually exhibit some obvious cues like sniffing at the floor, circling the area or running up to the door. There may be some accidents along the way, but if you can pay attention to your puppy's pre-bathroom cues, you can take them outside when those occur.
After they do their deed outside, be sure to reward them with a positive tone of voice and a treat. Puppy training lessons should include a host of reward-activities for well behaving dogs. A lot of puppies will adapt to this quickly but more stubborn breeds may require clicker training.
Try to get your puppy outside to use the bathroom at the same time every day for a while. This will help them develop a sense of routine around the behavior and associate it with being outside. Studies have shown that a lot of positive encounters and playtime with other dogs before the age of 16 weeks bears a more socially integrated, friendly dog.
Puppy training lessons for socialization should include regular walks through areas with other people and dogs, trips to the dog park where they can freely socialize with other puppies and intimate time at home with the family.When teaching your puppy how to use the bathroom outside, the ways to be a friendly and sociable animal and to follow rules, the two most important guidelines are consistency and persistence.
Be sure to keep your rules and rewards consistent to help them learn what behavior is acceptable. Be persistent and allow your puppy time to adapt to their new environment and learn the rules. Puppies can bring a lot of joy into our lives; remember that encouraging them through positive rewards is a great way to repay this.
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Are you looking for some great puppy training tips? Be sure to visit my site for puppy training lessons and crate training puppy tips.
How To Speak Dog: Mastering the Art of Dog-Human Communication
by: Stanley Coren
publisher: Free Press, published: 2001-04-17
ASIN: 074320297X
EAN: 9780743202978
sales rank: 34599
price: $2.05 (new), $0.01 (used)
Parlez-vous Doggish?
At long last, dogs will know just how smart their owners can be. By unlocking the secrets of the hidden language of dogs, psychologist Stanley Coren allows us into the doggy dialogue, or "Doggish," and makes effective communication a reality. Drawing on substantial research in animal behavior, evolutionary biology, and years of personal experience, Coren demonstrates that the average house dog can understand language at about the level of a two-year-old human.
While actual conversation of the sort Lassie seemed capable of in Hollywood mythmaking remains forever out of reach, Coren shows us that a great deal of real communication is possible beyond the giving and obeying of commands. How to Speak Dog not only provides the sounds, words, actions, and move-ments with which we can effectively communicate with our dogs, but also deciphers the signs that our dogs give to us.
With easy-to-follow tips on how humans can mimic the language dogs use to talk with one another, original drawings illustrating the subtleties of their body language, and a handy visual glossary and "Doggish" phrasebook, How to Speak Dog gives dog lovers the skills they need to improve their relationships with their pets. Reading Dog Behavior Dog Whisperer: Hounded by Fear
dogs at a l...
Can Your Improve Your Dogs Behavior?
You love your little fur baby, right? Of course you do. You give you little Chihuahua, Meenu, all the love, affection, and treats that she can handle. She is the light of your life. But, is she the best dog she can be? Sure, she gives you love and affection back, but how about those times when she nips at you because you wouldn’t give her a little bit of your bed time snack? Or when she growls at the kids in the neighborhood when they come anywhere near her?
What about that big, powerful German shepherd that lives across the street? You never imagined that your neighbor’s scary and intimidating big dog could be better behaved than your precious little Meenu. But, while he controls Zeus with a simple command or even just a nod of his head, your Meenu is the terror of the neighborhood.
How could this happen? German Shepherds are supposed to be mean and your dog couldn’t hurt a flea. Can you Teach Old Dogs New Tricks? In spite of what common knowledge says, yes you can teach old dogs new tricks. As impossible a task as it may seem, you can take your peevish little Meenu and turn her into a model of obedience and control. There is no secret involved or magic used that made Zeus the well-behaved dog that he is.
The simple difference between them is that he is trained and Meenu is not. Zeus understands that his owner is alpha and because you have allowed Meenu to get away with anything, she believes she is in charge. If you commit to a method of training and work consistently to teach Meenu to obey your commands, in less time than you think, she will be rivaling Zeus. What Does it Take to Change Behavior?
Changing behavior is really a very simple process. People who train animals, from killer whales to dogs, use one basic idea called operant conditioning. This means changing a behavior by either encouraging or discouraging it. The best dog trainers use an offshoot of operant conditioning called positive reinforcement.
Here’s how it works. You want Meenu to stop growling at you when you try to take her toy from her. You move towards her toy and she starts to growl. You leave your hand hovering in the air, not moving any closer towards it, but not moving it away either. She growls and growls. Eventually, hopefully not an hour later, she stops growling. You give her a treat and move your hand back. You do this again and again until you are able to touch her toy and even take it away.
She no longer growls because she has learned that not growling leads to getting a treat. You can reprogram any of Meenu’s behaviors using this simple concept. She is a smart girl and can make the leap from ceasing her growling at your hand hovering over the toy to not growling when you are eating a snack in your own bed. Can I do this Myself?
Although it is a simple idea, turning little Meenu in to a canine citizen on par with Zeus does require time, effort, and a great deal of patience. It may behoove you to consult with a positive reinforcement trainer to at least get a start on your training. Training a dog is not a magic trick, but it is not the easiest thing you will do either.
To be sure you do it right and do it well, working with a professional is a good idea. Your trainer can train you to train Meenu correctly and without losing your temper. Another alternative is to purchase DVDs of trainers whose techniques you like. This will take some effort on your part to do a little Internet research but you will find someone who resonates with you. If you watch them in the video, they will teach you step-by-step how to get the results you desire.
You and Meenu have a great relationship. She is your baby and you love her, but that doesn’t mean she should not obey you. With simple techniques and a lot of repetition, you and Meenu will have an even better, more meaningful relationship. And, you may even be able to show up your neighbor and his well-trained Zeus.
By: Norma Acosta
Article Directory:
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Dogs chew on things. It is a common, normal behavior. It really is also very good for them since it aids to keep their teeth and gums balanced and clean. Chewing could be a huge issue, nevertheless, if your canine chooses to chew around the incorrect items. You need to be able to direct their chewing to appropriate objects. This is critical each to your sanity and for your health and well-being of one's dog.
Good Options
One among the most critical measures to take once you are trying to establish great chewing habits to your dog would be to make sure he has a good amount of great chew toys obtainable. It is excellent for the dog to chew on things; you just have to make certain they are the correct things. Getting a balanced assortment of chew toys on hand can be a great way to ensure that your dog is going to be able to satisfy his need to chew with no destroying some thing that is critical to you.
Obtaining proper chew toys on hand also helps make it feasible for you to substitute a chew toy to your slipper or whatever else your canine enjoys chewing on at the moment. Having the ability to provide your dog with an suitable option is really a good way to get him to know what an proper chewing target is and what's not.
Obedience Basis
Just like with any other poor behavior, establishing a superb foundation of obedience instruction may be the best method to correct the issue. This may enable you to open a clear path of communication together with your dog and make it clear to your dog that you are in charge. Once you've got opened the lines of communication, you'll have a much easier time dealing with particular behavioral problems.
Dangers of Chewing
It may be annoying and high-priced in case your canine helps make a habit of chewing on inappropriate issues across the property. That's not the only reason to produce it a priority to put a stop to that form of behavior even so. If your dog doesn't have any boundaries in relation to chewing, it is likely he will wind up chewing on something hazardous sooner or later.
You can find a good amount of issues around the house that could harm your dog if he makes the decision to chew on them. Electrical wires and cleansing products are almost certainly the most typical hazards for dogs who chew indiscriminately, but they're hardly the only harmful home objects. Educating your dog to only chew on suitable toys is the very best method to guarantee their security.
Tailoring the Solution for the Difficulty
Addressing behavioral troubles is the best way to be sure that you as well as your dog will appreciate a long and joyful loving relationship. As with several behavioral difficulties, your dog's inappropriate chewing may have many causes. As a way to stop it and reinforce the proper behavior, it is essential to know exactly where the behavior is coming from. This is the only way you will be able to find the solution to the issue and is the best way to make certain for speedy optimistic final results.
Article Written By J. Foley
It might appear entirely typical for your dog as being aggressive around and protective of his meals. Normally that's a characteristic many wild animals might present since food is such a valuable resource to them. Permitting your dog's food aggression to go on unaddressed, however, is undesirable. Especially if your pooch is aggressive to you around food, that can result in a unsafe circumstance for you or some other members of your household. If you want to comprehend how to take care of this issue, you have to appreciate what drives your dog to actually act this way.
Much like with numerous additional problem habits, your dog's food aggression is a outcome of a attempt for dominance. In a pack, the leader or alpha feeds 1st. When your dog is encroaching to other animals whenever food is involved, it's frequently because your pet is attempting to declare his dominance over them in the family chain of command. In a case like this, it is a very good strategy to separate the aggressive animal at meal times.
If your dog is aggressive to you surrounding food, it implies that the dog believes he is battling you for prominence. This is not a situation you can afford to put up with. Although your dog is little, it can become a huge problem quickly. You should act to make certain that your dog understands you are in charge. There are a assortment of teaching methods you can utilize to achieve this promptly and carefully.
Chain of Bad Behavior
Correcting your dog's understanding of your relationship can have a effective result on practically every facet of your dog's conduct. If your pup is aggressive when you are close to his food, it's probably that the dog is testing your authority in additional ways also.
This might appear like an mind-boggling state of affairs. Actually, you can resolve all of such actions quickly by establishing your posture as alpha in all circumstances. As soon as your dog understands that you are in charge, you'll discover his unacceptable conducts take place much less often and are simpler to remedy. If you truly believe your dog might pose a physical danger to you or a member of your household though, you really should consult with a professional dog trainer.
Yet another explanation your dog could be aggressive around food is that he will never understand if or when he will receive more. This complication provokes your dog to defend and hoard his food like he would do in the wild. Structuring meal times and continuing him on a routine can aid to guarantee your dog that he does not have to fret about where his next meal is coming from.
There are a great deal of useful methods to cope with food aggression in your pet. Basing on the cause of the conduct and the degree or seriousness of the aggression, you may wish to consult a professional dog trainer or assistance in handling this kind of dilemma. You are not the only one who will profit from attending to this issue though. Your dog may be a lot happier and healthier as soon as he understands that he doesn't have to bother with defending his meals.
Article Written By J. Foley
Sociability can be broken down into 3 catergories.
1. Overly social
2. Neutral
3. Unsocialable
Overly social dogs often display wild and exuberent greetings. These dogs enjoy human contact and are usually very responsive to voice, petting,and human interaction in general. Overly social dogs typically have a strong desire to please you, generally making them easier to train. However, some overly social dogs can get quite slighted by punishment and shut down - Golden Retrievers are a good example. Good sociability is a very desirable trait and should be encouraged.
Neutral dogs are typically very affectionate with their owner, but may not respond as well to a stranger. These neutral dogs may actually be displaying a lack of confidence that should be worked through with positive reinforcement. Some dogs have learned to ignore people outside of their own territory as a deterrent to what they percieve as threatening. These same dogs may be very territorial and defensive at home on what they percieve as their own territory. These dogs may respond better and learn quicker when trained by their owner but should be encouraged to have positive interaction with others as well.
Unsociable dogs generally will not approach a stranger and will not allow themselves to be approached. These dogs may even display aggression if strangers enter their comfort zone. This can be generic or a learned behavior. Some dogs may have learned that growling or barking is a good way to prevent a stranger from approaching. Some unsociable dogs will tolerate being petted for a short peroid of time and then quickly look to escape the situation. An unsociable dog needs to be handled very carefully. This type of dog will require counter conditioning and behavior modifications as part of their training program.
Article Written By J. Foley
The duties of the pack leader:
1. Establish the rules
2. Enforce the rules
3. Maintain social order (leader of the pack chooses who is in the pack, and what authority each does or does not have.
Here is a list of "Relationship "Exercises that should be implemented to assert yourself as Pack Leader These exercises outline specific privileges that a good leader would either expect or assume.
1. Leaders eat first
2. Leaders go through doorways first
3. Leaders stay calm and in control
4. Leaders set the pace and the direction (i.e., heeling)
5. Leaders do not let their personal space be invaded
6. Leaders say when play begins and when it ends
7. Leaders do not beg for attention
8. Leaders do not offer "free" treats
9. Leaders assume the higher ground (i.e. beds, couches, chairs, etc.
10.Leaders never change their direction or step over a dog
11.Leaders assign resting spots for other pack members.
In conclusion; Please be aware that as your dog's behavior improves you can slowly return his privileges. It isn't very often that you will have to completely maintain the strict code of behavior that is laid out in "Relationship Exercises". If you return only 1 or 2 privileges at a time you can determine if that privilege causes the dog's behavior to regress. For example, if your dog reverts back to an unacceptable behavior because you let him sleep on the bed, then you would immediately remove that privilege. There are certain dogs that can't handle certain privileges, like sleeping on the bed, without causing him to behave badly. By only allowing privileges that don't affect your dog's good behavior you can give a great deal of freedom in his life while still being a good leader.
Please leave your comments on whether you would like me to continue with these types of posts. Thanks...
Article Written By J. Foley
Ideally a dog should never demand your attention or demand to be petted. These things should be earned rewards not something that is your dog's due. You can easily correct demanding behavior by requiring your dog to sit, down or stay before and during the petting. If he breaks from this position, the petting stops until he resumes the position. A good leader should expect the dog to be calm and obedient while he receives attention.
Most owners ignore their dog when they are being good. This is understandable because it is much easier to ignore your dog sitting quietly by your side or your dog lying on his mat in a corner. It is much more difficult to ignore your dog who is jumping on you or running madly through the house with a dish towel in his mouth. Because of this, most dogs figure that doing bad behavior is what gets them attention. For a social animal like a dog, negative attention is better than no attention at all. A good example of this is when dogs jump up on people.The dog quickly learns that neither standing nor sitting quietly will get him attention he is seeking. So your dog, being very child-like and self centered tries the next best thing that comes to mind to get attention, jumping.. This works every time! :).
Owners must train themselves to be "on the lookout" for their dog's good behavior. Remind yourself and your family members to give the dog extra praise, attention and treats when he's being good. Then he will be less motivated to engage in bad behaviors to get attention.
The next step is to prove to your dog that every time he approaches you or any person and sits, he will get attention. If he suddenly pops out of excitement, simple turn away until he resumes sitting. If this new for your dog, he may need to be guided into the desired sitting behavior and/or prevented from jumping by stepping on the leash.
Jumping is used as the example here for discussing attention but it is easy to use these techniques for any other undesirable behavior your dog engages in to get attention.
Next up:The meat & potatoes of this whole discussion: The specific duties of the Leader.... stay tuned!
Article Written by J. Foley
Your dog should not be allowed to sleep on beds or furniture. To make removing him from unacceptable resting areas easier, you may want to have your dog drag a leash during the day while you are home. Anytime you move a dominant dog from his resting position you should use positive reinforcement to minimize aggressive responses. This may include luring the dog off the couch with a food treat and rewarding him for the proper response. Then placing something on the couch that doesn't allow your dog to go back there to rest.
Your dog should sleep in a crate at night and when you are not home The crate should not be in a bedroom. Your dog can "patrol" the inside of the house at night or when you are gone, only after your dog has house manners (is quiet, calm, obedient, stays off furniture, is house trained, doesn't touch forbidden objects, like shoes, tv remote controls, stays out of forbidden areas of the house etc). In addition, all problems (aggression, separation anxiety etc.) should be solved before "patrolling" is allowed.
Your dog should accept being gently moved from any sleeping or resting place. Keep practicing prevention (blocking unacceptable resting places) and gentle removal until your dog responds favorably.
Next topic is " Petting and attention", stay tuned...
Article written by J. Foley
Puppies between 2 and 6 months old can be fed 3-4 times daily
Dogs between 6 months and 1 year can be fed a premium kibble twice daily
Dogs older than 1 year can be fed once daily.
Please speak to your Vet if the dog or puppy has unusual dietary needs and alter the schedule accordingly.
Okay, on to Step #1
Prepare your dog's meal and set it aside while you eat your meal. He can eat after you've finished. It is not absolutely necessary that an entire meal be eaten before feeding the dog.
Taking approximately 5 minutes to eat a few crackers and drink a glass of water will still send the message that the leader is eating first. Make sure to ignore your dog while you are eating and only give him his meal if he is not whining or demanding to be fed.
Step #2
When you are ready to give him his meal hold the bowl up over his head until he sits. When he does sit say "Good" and start to bring the bowl down. If he moves, say "No" or "Eh-eh" and quickly bring the bowl back up and out of his reach.
Be ready to block him when you place the bowl on the floor since most dogs will dive for their food the instant they hear the bowl touch the floor. You want to be able to place the bowl on the floor while he's sitting looking at you wondering "What wrong with her today?" Then you can release him to eat with "OK!" Repeat this until your dog doesn't move when you place the bowl down.
Your dog must finish his entire meal in one sitting. If he leaves his bowl, take the food up until the next scheduled meal. Your dog should also allow you to approach the food bowl while he is eating without any growling or snarling.
Next up: The topic of sleeping, stay tuned...
Article Written by J. Foley
When a dog looks to thier family unit for leadership and sees no leader, they they figure they must fill the position themselves because every group needs a leader and a pecking order. Some dogs are forced into the leadership role and become very stressed with the responsibility. Some dogs with a dominant temperment will manipulate their way into the leadership role, taking advantage of their owners. In some instances, dogs forced into the leadership role will use aggression to maitain order and consistency. Sometimes dogs that are self appointed into this position will use aggression to maintain their status in the family unit.
Whether a dog is forced into the leadership role or manipulates his way into it, his maneuvers are the same. Dogs assume leadership in a very canine way. They become pushy at the front door, attaining the most centreal and elevated sleeping station, requiring they not be disturbed when resting, barking at anything they think needs barking at for as long as they wish, having first dibs on any food or possession within reach, having the right to defend any food or possessions they come upon, expecting not to be touched in any way they do not like and being able to demand various forms of attention or behaviors from you, their subordinate.
To prevent dog bites, unruly behavior and to preserve the human-animal bond, it is extremely important to undeerstand your role as the leader, "The Pack Leader"
Next installment I'll go over some of the house rules and how to enforce them firmly and fairly. So till next time, stay tuned...
Article Written By J. Foley
husband & Father of 3, love animals and being at the animal shelter
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